
Prove your value

Do you work as a copywriter, but can you also help clients with content strategy? Do more with less effort, thanks to Contesaur.

7-Day Free Trial. No obligations, no payment details.

Defend your work to the client

Defend your work to the client

Ensure regular publication

Easy content approvals

Communication and resources together

Contesaur makes managing my clients’ content activities simpler. I open the app and immediately see what we’re publishing and what work needs to be done. I can easily keep an eye on related topics across all channels and monitor whether we’re discussing an issue too little or too much with any specific person. In my eyes, the overall context is missing from other tools for scheduling posts, distributing newsletters, and publishing articles. If you’d also like to gain a strategic overview of your content and have long-term plans, statistics, and daily tasks all in the same place, then Contesaur is a must-have!

Monika Hušková, Freelance Copywriter

Discount for Contesaur users

When you purchase the Contesaur app for a year, you get to consult with a marketing agency Pretty Much Nomads for 50% off!

Price per consultation: 120 EUR 60 EUR / hour excluding VAT

Make more money for less work!

The Contesaur app is easy to use, intuitive, and pretty. The tool was developed by a content marketing agency based on its own know-how. See what it can do.

Start planning your client's content

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