February news from the dino world
- News
- 24 February 2023
What's new in the Contesaur app?
📧 Email Notifications 📧
You can rely on notifications both in the app and by email in the cases mentioned below:
🦖 For Admin Role
- Someone assigns/removes you as a Content Owner
- Someone assigns/removes a Task in the Checklist to/from you
- Someone tags you in a Comment
- Someone changes the Status of content you are an Owner on
- Someone adds Feedback on content where you are an Owner or have pending tasks
🦕 For Approver Role
- Someone adds feedback on any content
- Any content will change its status to In Review
🖨️ Statistics Reports to PDF/Print 🖨️
You can now print or export to PDF the displayed Statistics so you can add them to other reports for the given time frame.
🧑💻 No Work Lost 🧑💻
We’ve got your back – even if you accidentally close that content card, you won’t lose any work without confirmation!
🔔 Confirmations Moved 🔔
We’ve moved the confirmation messages to the bottom left corner, so they don’t get in the way of your work.
💬 Longer Comments 💬
You can now go crazy in the comments, as we increased the character limit.
What have we fixed?
- Scattered endings and beginnings of months when scrolling through the monthly breakdown or stats. Now each month is from the first to the last day.
- The sorting in the Evaluations section in Stats is now not only by the number of contents but also by the number of stars.
- Email notifications no longer mix Czech and English.
- The Approver role now doesn’t see Tasks in Statistics.
- Content moved forward/back a day when the status changed to Drafted or Published.
- Fixed Group by on List view.
- Ideas tab was not visible when moving.
What's next?
📆 Content Planning Assistant 📆
In March, we will have themes and hints that show up right on your calendar. It’s then up to you whether you decide to elaborate on them. We’re starting with the holidays, but this is just the beginning! 🌟
🧠 Testing Company Resources 🧠
We’re preparing the Company resources, so you have everything you need in one place in Contesaur — descriptions of personas, products, STDC phases, tone of voice, or graphics resources. We already have the prototype ready and are looking for users to test it with.
➡️ Would you help us? Let us know! 🎉 You will make us happy and influence the final form of the app!
We hope you will welcome these new and upcoming changes; in any case, we would love to hear your feedback. ❤️
What's coming next for Contesaur?
Pretty Much Nomads s.r.o.
Chudenicka 1059/30, Hostivar, 102 00 Prague 10
CRN: 09083863
VAT: CZ09083863
This is a limited liability company registered in the Commercial Register since April 8, 2020, reference number: C 330591, Responsible Court: Municipal Court in Prague.
Questions at info@contesaur.com
Support at support@contesaur.com

This project was implemented with the financial support of the Technology Incubation Programme.
Copyright © 2022 Pretty Much Nomads