March news from the dino world

March has gone by like a raptor, and we have some hot news for you! 🦖

What's new in the Contesaur app?

📆 Content Planning Assistant 📆

Turn on the Ideas bar, and you’ll see content suggestions right in your calendar. It’s then up to you whether you decide to elaborate on them. We’re starting with the world holidays, but this is just the beginning! 🌟

💸 Pricing for all sizes 💸

We’ve introduced a new pricing list that has individuals in mind. So you can get the Contesaur app for just 8 EUR per month; you always save two months when paying annually. That is one cup of hipster coffee right there – and this investment actually pays off! Check out the Pricing page for more information!

🖨️ Headline formatting 🖨️

We’ve added different formatting to Heading 3 in the text editor to make it more distinct from regular text.

🧑‍💻 Group by for quick changes 🧑‍💻

Need to make multiple changes at once? Open the List view, set Group by the criteria you’re interested in – and then move items around as needed. The groups won’t close and open under your fingers but will stay as you want.

What have we fixed?

  • The bar in the text editor no longer moves with the cursor but remains stuck at the top.
  • Content suggestions appear on the correct days in all different time zones.
  • Expand/Collapse all in the List view no longer changes when setting a different time range.
  • Excessively long content titles no longer overflow on the content card or notifications.

What's next?

🤖 AI text generator 🤖

We’ve integrated artificial intelligence for text generation directly into the Contesaur app! 🎉 We’re tweaking this feature now, but you’ll soon get it with your paid version of the app for testing.

🧠 Testing Company Resources 🧠

We’re preparing the Company resources, so you have everything you need in one place in Contesaur — descriptions of personas, products, STDC phases, tone of voice, or graphics resources. Right now, we are testing the first prototype!


We hope you will welcome these new and upcoming changes; in any case, we would love to hear your feedback. ❤️

And if you don’t know Contesaur yet, register for free and try out all the new features!

What's coming next for Contesaur?

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This is a limited liability company registered in the Commercial Register since April 8, 2020, reference number: C 330591, Responsible Court: Municipal Court in Prague.

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